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Housewives and older people getting handgun permits
Housewives and older people getting handgun permits In the wake of the school massacre in Newtown, Conn., President Barack Obama proposed a package that includes banning assault weapons, requiring background checks on all firearms purchases and limiting ammunition magazines to 10 rounds. Those proposed changes have resulted in an upsurge of people wanting to arm themselves, officials say. But the numbers tell the story... Forward>>
Boomers near retirement face tight future
Boomers near retirement face tight future Young graduates are in debt, out of work and on their parents’ couches. People in their 30s and 40s can’t afford to buy homes or have children. Retirees are earning near-zero interest on their savings. In the current listless economy, every generation has a claim to having been most injured. But the Labor Department’s latest jobs snapshot and other recent data reports present a strong... Forward>>
Retirement system
Retirement planning: Don't assume you'll spend less
Retirement planning: Don't assume you'll spend less (MoneyWatch) Is it reasonable to plan your retirement by assuming that you'll spend less money as you age? Welcome back to the second part of my look at this important retirement planning issue. Some financial analysts justify reliance on reduced spending by reviewing average annual expenditures by various age groups, as published in the Consumer Expenditure Survey (CES) by the Bureau... Forward>>
Retirement system
The Health-Care Law and Retirement Savings
The Health-Care Law and Retirement Savings Because of its definition of affordability, beginning next year the Affordable Care Act may affect retirement savings. Employer contributions to employee pension plans are exempt from payroll and personal income taxes at the time that they are made, because the employer contributions are not officially considered part of the employee’s wages or salary... Forward>>
Retirement Living: Debt holds many Boomers back
Retirement Living: Debt holds many Boomers back Baby Boomers, forget about retirement. We'll be working for the rest of our lives. OK, that may be an exaggeration, but not by much. We have not saved enough money. And worse, many of us will still be up to our eyeballs in debt when we do retire. We're just one medical emergency away from bankruptcy. According to Boomers and Retirement, a new survey by TD Ameritrade... Forward>>
Grandparents lucky to see grandchildren once a month
Grandparents lucky to see grandchildren once a month ONE in three older people say they are lucky if they see their grandchildren once a month, according to polling highlighting the problem of loneliness in Britain. A fifth of over 65s also said they saw their adult children once a fortnight. The findings emerge from a study of different generations showing that loneliness is becoming a growing problem in Britain for both old and young... Forward>>
9 ways it pays to get older
9 ways it pays to get older The best part about getting older? Of course it beats the alternative. But age also comes with plenty of perks. I've been told that with age comes wisdom. But I'm learning that it comes with other benefits as well. I recently celebrated my birthday and, along with a wide range of birthday freebies, I began to take advantage of a wonderful benefit of the aging process: special prices and options... Forward>>
Retirement system
For lack of money, Pension fund can not pay full pension payments
For lack of money, Pension fund can not pay full pension payments The Pension fund has held a competitive selection among banks for the right to pay off pensions and financial aid, and gave information about banks which will pay pensions in 2013. Many economic experts came to conclusion that pension reform was not effective, and in a couple of months retiree might not become their pension in time, owing to the lack of money in the Pension fund... Forward>>
How Do You Feel About Growing Older? Still miss grammar school, or are you happy to be where you are?
How Do You Feel About Growing Older? Still miss grammar school, or are you happy to be where you are? It’s said that the youngest boomers will soon be turning 50. Funny how AARP stalks you months before your birthday and begins its onslaught of offers designed to make you feel great about being over the hill. It was a shock to me to get that first piece of mail, and realize that I was now on the back nine of my life, the dark side of the moon. What now? Could being over 50 be a good thing?.. Forward>>
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