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UARP Petition
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UARP propositions were supported by the chief tax officers of Ukraine

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Ukrainian Association of Retired Persons launched an initiative to solve the problem of pension fund deficit by imposing a tax on offshore operations. UARP initiated this proposition at least five times over the past five years. Implementation of our proposals would enable the state to avoid both the disturbance of society associated with raising of retirement age and achieve fundamental changes in the replenishment of the Pension Fund (not 1,7 billion but 100 billion UAH). 

Ukrainian Association of Retired Persons launched an initiative to solve the problem of pension fund deficit by imposing a tax on offshore operations.

Every time the government officials started proving the necessity of raising the retirement age, which, in their opinion, would reduce greatly the pension fund deficit (to 1.7 billion annually), UARP proposed alternative measures, by means of including taxation of offshore operations at the legislative level taxation of offshore operations. Implementation of our proposals would enable the state to avoid both the disturbance of society associated with raising of retirement age and achieve fundamental changes in the replenishment of the Pension Fund (not 1,7 billion but 100 billion UAH).

The Chairman of the Council of UARP Volodymyr Dzyobak informed Savik Shuster about it at his talk show. One of the people’s deputies suspended him ironically: “The offer is sensible, but you’re going too far with the numbers! You would even say 200 billion! Well, where would you get have 100 billion?"

Two years has passed since then, and now we can make sure that UARP proposals were formulated at the basis of very real economic calculations. The Chief Tax Officer Olexander Klymenko declared at his interview to Investgazeta that offshore schemes deprive Ukraine of about 100 billion UAH.


We can only thank him for his support. Below you will find an extract from Ekonomichna Pravda.



Ukraine loses 100 billion UAH on offshore schemes annually

Ukraineloses 100 billion UAH onoffshoreschemesannually”, - stated the Chief Tax Officer of Ukraine OlexanderKlymenkoat hisinterview to Investgazeta.

"We have calculated that offshore schemes deprive Ukraine of about 100 billion, so we prepared two positions to prevent it: the 1st variant is additional tax rate. The 2nd one is transfer pricing bill, which was developed jointly with PricewaterhouseCoopers", - said Klymenko. According to him, the necessary preparations are made for its further discussion with the representatives of commercial companies and public organizations.


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