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Excerpt from the newsletter No. 68 of the European Senior Citizens Union
Excerpt from the newsletter No. 68 of the European Senior Citizens Union Finally we got the latest good news from Ukrainian Association of Retired Persons (UARP). According to the statement of UARP Chairman Volodymyr Dzyobak, the operational activities of the organization have been restored after the raider occupation in January 2012. Being supported by citizens of Ukraine and abroad UARP VAP could restore lost important documents, office equipment... Forward>>
UARP Delegation Took Part in the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the European Senior Citizens' Union in Brussels
UARP Delegation Took Part in the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the European Senior Citizens' Union in Brussels 9 - 10 November UARP delegation led by Chairman of the Board Volodymyr Dziobak stayed in the Belgian capital Brussels. There were meetings and negotiations with President of the European Senior Citizens' Union Dr. Bernhard Worms, USCU Secretary General Ingeborg Uhlenbrock, USCU Vice President for Eastern European countries Ulrich Winz. Forward>>
UARP Delegation Took Part in the Conference of European Senior Citizens' Union in Vilnius
UARP Delegation Took Part in the Conference of  European Senior Citizens' Union in Vilnius A conference of representatives of national associations of Eastern European countries pensioners took place in Vilnius. The conference meeting was chaired by the President of the European Senior Citizens' Union Bernhard Worms. The Management of USCU in the conference was represented by Ulrich Winz, USCU Coordinator for Eastern Europe and also the former President of the Republic... Forward>>
Ukraine - Austria: co-operation in the interest of senior citizens.
Ukraine - Austria: co-operation in the interest of senior citizens. The Chairman of the Council of UARP Volodymyr Dzyobak, who took part in the meeting of Executive Board of European Senior Citizens Union (ESCU) in Brussels, has met the Head of Austrian Parliament Andreas Khol. A. Khol noted that UARP delegation was the only one from CIS countries that was invited to this meeting. The national association representatives have discussed the problems... Forward>>
The Head of UARP Board Volodymyr Dzoibak Took Part in the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the European Senior Citizens' Union (ESCU) in Brussels
The Head of UARP Board Volodymyr Dzoibak Took Part in the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the European Senior Citizens' Union (ESCU) in Brussels Chairman of the UARP Board Volodymyr Dziobak took part in the meeting of the Executive Committee of the European Senior Citizens' Union (USCU) in Brussels. Delegation of UARP was the only one from the CIS countries, which was invited to this meeting. Representatives of national associations - members of USCU discussed problems of pension provision in Europe in view of the demographic situation ... Forward>>
UARP Delegation in the Conference of European Senior Citizens' Union in Warsaw
UARP Delegation in the Conference of  European Senior Citizens' Union in Warsaw UARP delegation took part in the conference of the European Senior Citizens' Union, held 29 - 31 May 2005 in Warsaw. The conference theme: "Year after EU enlargement. The socio-political situation, especially for retirees". The conference was attended by President of USCU Dr. Bernhard Worms, former Prime Minister of Poland Waldemar Pawlak... Forward>>
The UARP delegation in Germany
The UARP delegation in Germany At the invitation of the European Senior Citizens Union’s President, the delegation of the All-Ukrainian Association of Retired Persons made an official visit to Germany. The Chairman of the UARP Council Volodymyr Dzyobak headed the delegation, which consisted of the Deputy Chairman of the Association Council, editor-in-chief of the UARP editions Oleh Kravchenko, the Director of the UARP... Forward>>
UARP on the fifth congress of the European Senior Citizens’ Union
UARP on the fifth congress of the European Senior Citizens’ Union European Senior Citizens’ Union (ESCU) was founded in November 7, 1995. Nowadays it is a high-profiled force in Europe exhorted to assert older citizens’ rights in 30 countries. Doctor Bernhard Worms who in the meantime chaired the Senior Citizens’ Union of Germany was elected ESCU President on the IV Congress in Brussels. He was continued in office for another term on the Fifth Congress... Forward>>
Meetings in Chicago
Meetings in Chicago Being invited by the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) the Head of the UARP Council Volodymyr Dzjobak took part in a range of activities devoted to the 45-th anniversary of this mighty organisation, that comprises 35 million members. These festivities along with took place in Chicago with the participation of a great number of guests from Great Britain, Canada, Japan... Forward>>
The Chairman of the Council of UARP Volodymyr Dzyobak visits AARP.
The Chairman of the Council of UARP Volodymyr Dzyobak visits AARP. By the invitation of American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) the Chairman of the Council of UARP Volodymyr Dzyobak came to Chicago, where on the 5-6th of September takes place the representative forum, dedicated to AARP anniversary. According to the program there will be held a number of meetings with leaders and experts of AARP, experiences will be shared on how to improve the life... Forward>>
The Chairman of the Council of UARP V.Dzyobak has made a return visit to European Senior Citizens Union
The Chairman of the Council of UARP V.Dzyobak has made a return visit to European Senior Citizens Union By the invitaton of President of European Senior Citizens Union (ESCU) Dr. Bernhard Worms the Chairman of the Council of Ukrainian Association of Retired Persons Volodymyr Dzyobak has recently visited the head-office of this inernational organization in Berlin. That was a return visit (after Dr.B. Worms has visited UARP cental office in Kyiv in autumn 2002. The Head of the Council of Ukrainian Association... Forward>>
Kyiv – Berlin: the dialogue is still going on
Kyiv – Berlin: the dialogue is still going on As it was mentioned above, the President of the European Senior Citizens Union, President of the Senior Citizens Union of Germany Dr. Bernhard Worms visited the main UARP Office in Kyiv, got to know the Association’s activity, its programs, and, indeed, highly estimated them. UARP arranged a meeting to Dr. Bernhard Worms with Mr. Bezrukov, the Director of the Institute of Gerontology of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine... Forward>>