
Головним інструментом нинішніх олігархів є безправний люмпен, який живе на подачках від держави, на грані фізичного виживання. Ось чому значна частина пенсіонерів є найкращим їх електоратом, який і допомагає часто приводити до влади їх ставлеників. Для малого і середнього бізнесу сьогодні закриті економічні ліфти у цілих галузях економіки, бо з кожним роком сфери зацікавленості олігархії збільшуються, перекриваючи кисень усім іншим.

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Talk About: Caring for Mom & Dad
Talk About: Caring for Mom & Dad "My parents are 88, just four days apart ... I try to observe their situation and always respect their autonomy, so it was very alarming when Daddy asked me to seek professional help yesterday. "They have both been admitted to the hospital -- and have been put in the same room, thank God, as they are never apart -- after being diagnosed with respiratory stress, pneumonia and acute... Forward>>
Spiritual source
Papas’ quotes about ageing
Papas’ quotes about ageing In a March 15 audience with the College of Cardinals, 76-year-old Pope Francis I noted that the clerics in the room who elected him weren’t young men either. (Indeed, the average age of the 115 members of the Roman Catholic Church’s highest ecclesiastical body is 71 years, 10 months, according to Catholic News Service.) But the pontiff apparently sees their senior status as a plus rather... Forward>>
Spiritual source
Coincidence… or fate, that's bestowed by God? (Or love and peace in the same name)
Coincidence… or fate, that's bestowed by God? (Or love and peace in the same name) Your Beatitude Lyubomyr! Congratulations on your great 80th anniversary! May your life be filled with care and prayers for us, your bright thoughts, that wish us good fate and peace, love and forgiveness, tolerance and faith, will be returned to you a hundredfold. Bright and sunny days for you on this earth, with God's help live to see those days of not miserable existence but prosperous life in Ukraine... Forward>>
Spiritual source
Why middle age is getting harder: Thousands more in 40s and 50s are having to care for frail parents AND adult children
Why middle age is getting harder: Thousands more in 40s and 50s are having to care for frail parents AND adult children A rise in the number of families having to care for ageing parents as well as adult children is set to spell the end of comfortable middle age, scientists say. A report predicts increasing ‘resentment’ among those in their 40s and 50s that they are having to take on increased responsibilities while working longer before drawing their pension. These ‘burdens’ mean fewer will be... Forward>>