Press Releases

United Nations in Ukraine


Press Release


Together with the United Nations Ukraine is Involved in Determining the Global Priorities of the World


December 20, 2012. Kyiv, Ukraine – Since this day in Ukraine the process of national consultations to identify priorities and formulate recommendations for the development goals after 2015 through the active involvement of a wide range of professionals and the public has begun. The process of national consultations will take place in Ukraine as a part of the global process initiated by the United Nations in 100 countries, with the overall purpose of determining priorities and development goals for the future.


Since their adoption in 2000, the Millennium Development Goals have served as a common basis for global action and cooperation in the field of development. They have set priorities for international development by 2015 and identified eight goals: from halving poverty to halting the spread of HIV/AIDS and ensuring opportunities for universal primary education, etc.


During the 12 years of the Millennium Development Goals implementation, international community has made many positive changes in the lives of billions of people. The task of reducing extreme poverty by half and decreasing the number of people who have no access to drinking water was performed 5 years earlier, before 2015. Living conditions for the more than 200 million people living in slums have been improved. The result achieved is twice as high as the target declared for 2020. Little girls and boys have got equal access to primary education. Significantly noticeable effects in reduction of child and maternal mortality have been shown. However, much remains to be done to overcome extreme poverty, diseases and environmental crises.


While there are only 3 years left to achieve the MDG, the United Nations has already initiated and launched an open and inclusive process of defining and shaping the priorities and goals for the period after 2015.


This process will take place at the global, regional and national levels, involving a wide range of stakeholders to ensure that people from all over the world have an opportunity to contribute to the formation of a global vision and priorities "of the future we want" with clear recommendations to authorities, civil society and interested parties.


The purpose of national consultations in Ukraine, which will be headed by the Ukrainian Government in cooperation with the UN system, will be creation of a consultative process by encouraging open and multilateral debate involving different stakeholders and the public regarding the prioritization of development that suits their views and expectations, reflects their ideas and vision. The information collected and recommendations received will form the basis of the national report that will be submitted in March 2013 to the UN Secretary General as Ukraine's contribution to the global report.


Earlier, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called on to develop "ambitious and realistic" program of development priorities after 2015. Ban Ki-moon said that the world is now going through a period of deep turmoil and crisis, security threats continue to spread, as well as inequality and prejudice to vulnerable demographics still exist.


For more information about the national consultation process, please visit:



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