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How Do You Feel About Growing Older? Still miss grammar school, or are you happy to be where you are?

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 It’s said that the youngest boomers will soon be turning 50.  Funny how AARP stalks you months before your birthday and begins its onslaught of offers designed to make you feel great about being over the hill.

It was a shock to me to get that first piece of mail, and realize that I was now on the back nine of my life, the dark side of the moon.  What now? Could being over 50 be a good thing?  In many ways yes, although I do miss the good old days of growing up.

When we were younger, it seemed we didn’t have a care in the world.  Grammar school was our “job” at the time, and although we had teachers that made our lives miserable, we didn’t have to worry about getting fired, collecting unemployment, or creating a resume.

The worst that could happen is that you were sent to the principal’s office and lectured about how to get along better with your peers. Kiss up to the principal, and soon you could be back in class doing spit wads.

Back then our bodies were like rubber bands, snapping and slinging in so many directions. A fall from the tree? No problem.  You’d get a skinny scab and you’d be good in a day or so, ready to leap tall buildings with a single bound.

At Walter Reed Junior High, our bodies began to change.  Hormones made their entry in the form of pimples, pubic hair and a swoon of moodiness.  Things that never bothered us in grammar school now seemed like national disasters. We cried about boys, being excluded from spin the bottle parties, and not wearing nylons. Still, our bodies were nimble. We had tireless energy for pillow fights, slumber parties and hanging out at hamburger joints. As long as we were with our peers, all was ok.

Then, at NHHS, the short guys finally began to sprout, and every young woman was ripe with promise.  Men began to look at you as if you were a plate of food, with their eyes firmly attached to the anatomy below your chin.  We could stay up until 2 a.m. and still be frisky the next day. We could survive on four hours of sleep.

Let’s face it-growing older isn’t always pretty, but it does have its advantages. I remember getting my first senior discount at Coco’s when I was out to lunch with some friends.  That $2.22 came in real handy.  Thrift stores often give a 10% discount if you’re a senior, saving you .60 on that jacket that you like. Hey, it all adds up!

Those who have retired know the blessing of not having to be accountable to an angry boss anymore.  If you’re in decent health, there’s a wealth of experience out there for you to enjoy.  Time is now like a blank canvas; it’s yours to fill.

What do you miss about growing up, and how do you feel about getting older?

Feel free to post your comments on the Patch.

About this column: What was Studio City like then, and what is it like now? Check back to see from people who are looking at the area from a nostalgic point of view.

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