
Головним інструментом нинішніх олігархів є безправний люмпен, який живе на подачках від держави, на грані фізичного виживання. Ось чому значна частина пенсіонерів є найкращим їх електоратом, який і допомагає часто приводити до влади їх ставлеників. Для малого і середнього бізнесу сьогодні закриті економічні ліфти у цілих галузях економіки, бо з кожним роком сфери зацікавленості олігархії збільшуються, перекриваючи кисень усім іншим.

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Spiritual source
Main Feast Among All Feasts and Most Important Festivity of All
Main Feast Among All Feasts and Most Important Festivity of All Today we celebrate the most important Christian feast of the year. It is the day of Christ's Resurrection, the day of deep faith, sincere prayers, and joy, unknown to the Heaven and Earth before. Easter - as the 8th heirmos in Easter Breviary says - is “The King and the Lord, the main feast among all feasts and the most important festivity of all". Actually, the main content of the Greek-orthodox faith... Forward>>
Spiritual source
Happy Easter, Ukraine!
Happy Easter, Ukraine! Dear Ukraine! Dear Ukrainians! A joyful Easter day has come over to our land and brought faith to our souls. The season of Lent - time of mourning, deep reflection, and sincere repentance for sins, which we have done in word and deed, as well as in thought - is over. Every person apparently had that feeling - at this difficult for Ukraine time of the terrible aggression from the neighbouring state... Forward>>
Spiritual source
Christmas Faith to You, My Mother Land!
Christmas Faith to You, My Mother Land! My Native Ukraine! Christ is Born! Glorify Him! The whole world celebrates the incredibly majestic feast of Christ's birth. But it is celebrated even more majestically now by us in Ukraine. The Ukrainian society drew attention of the whole world at the end of the last and at the beginning of this year. We have shown that we are true Christians, and we have invincible faith in God... Forward>>
Spiritual source
May your advanced age be truly golden same as autumn
May your advanced age be truly golden same as autumn Today, Ukraine celebrates the International Day of the Elderly together with the whole world. In addition, we celebrate Veterans Day today. The Council of the Ukrainian Association of Retired Persons congratulate the members of the organization, seniors both in Ukraine and in the world, and also veterans of our country on this magnificent day. If your hair becomes grey - then may it be only owing... Forward>>
Spiritual source
Thank You For Our Life And Peace, Dear Veterans
Thank You For Our Life And Peace, Dear Veterans On the day, when lilacs blossom in the gardens of Ukraine, when ground abounds in as red as blood tulips growing in front of the windows of every home, when families get together to reunite, when the sunny skies smile to us and give us their warmth, we remember and commemorate with a heavy heart those who gave us this peaceful life. Today we bow low to the ground before you, dear veterans... Forward>>
Spiritual source
Feast Unites People (An Easter Message To The Elderly Of Ukraine)
Feast Unites People (An Easter Message To The Elderly Of Ukraine) Dear members of the Ukrainian Association of Retired Persons, I heartily congratulate all of you, all elderly Christians, whole Ukraine on Easter-Day! May God's grace be with you! Faith and hope! Health and peace to you! Prosperity and attention from your relatives! We are always with you and we are always for you! "Christ is Risen! "Christ is Risen! Ukraine is singing now. The whole creation is waiting... Forward>>
Spiritual source
Birthday gifts from …
Birthday gifts from … Honorable Journalist of Ukraine Vasyl Babanskiy known as a newspaperman (worked for many years in the newspapers "Sotsyalystycheskyy Donbass", "Evening Kiev", "Pravda Ukrainy", "Business Ukraine" ) and as a poet (collection of his poems was out two years ago and his poem about Vladimir Vysotsky was published in the newspaper "Literary Russia"). When Vasyl Vasyliovych... Forward>>
Spiritual source
A festive occasion for the guardians of the UARP
A festive occasion for the guardians of the UARP What do women need in order to be happy? Of course, a bit of attention and warmth, a lot of fine words, bouquets of delicate flowers or little presents, understanding and support, a cheering crowd of friends and a pleasant conversation. All of that was organized by some members of Zaporizhzhya branch of the UARP for their most enchanting women on 6 March, on the eve of the spring festival... Forward>>
Spiritual source
Coincidence… or fate, that's bestowed by God? (Or love and peace in the same name)
Coincidence… or fate, that's bestowed by God? (Or love and peace in the same name) Your Beatitude Lyubomyr! Congratulations on your great 80th anniversary! May your life be filled with care and prayers for us, your bright thoughts, that wish us good fate and peace, love and forgiveness, tolerance and faith, will be returned to you a hundredfold. Bright and sunny days for you on this earth, with God's help live to see those days of not miserable existence but prosperous life in Ukraine... Forward>>
Spiritual source
The jubilee of a wonderful person
The jubilee of a wonderful person Dear Oleg Oleksiyowytsch! So many words of gratitude we want to say you! We are so happy to celebrate Your 75th Anniversary! We are growing together with You, we are learning from Your experience and wisdom, patience and inspiration. Like You we will be always young at heart. Your life is a role model for every of us. May God give You a long life with strong health, love and generosity! Forward>>
Spiritual source
Greetings on the feast of Epiphany!
Greetings on the feast of Epiphany! The Ukrainian Fishing Association has sent us greetings on the feast of Epiphany. We join the greetings and congratulate all members of Ukrainian Association of Retired Persons and members of the Ukrainian Fishing Association as well; we wish you and your families peace, harmony, strong health and longevity! The Council of UARP Forward>>
Spiritual source
From our table to yours...
From our table to yours... The Ukrainian Fishing Association has joined the New Year greetings, received by Ukrainian Association of Retired Persons. We accept these greetings with gratitude and we wish fishermen and their families health, prosperity and good catch in this year! Forward>>
Spiritual source
May the generation that respects senior people never end
May the generation that respects senior people never end The last day of 2012 is passing. May this day take all your troubles and cares in the past, may the old problems don't bother you tomorrow. May "tomorrow" open a new and good page in your life. I personally and in thre name of all those, who works at UARP, sincerely congratulate all members of association, all seniors of Ukraine, all people of this country with New Year and Christmas... Forward>>
Spiritual source
Joyous greetings to you on the Day of Savior’s Nativity
Joyous greetings to you on the Day of Savior’s Nativity Dear members of Roman Catholic church, united in one faith! Happy are all those who has accepted our Saviour in their hearts. He was born to save us and our souls. Your houses are full of joy today. In the churches is heard "Christ is born! Glorify Him!" The hearts are full of faith. Ukrainian association of retired persons sincerely congratulates all spiritual world and particularly Ukrainian Catholic... Forward>>
Spiritual source
Christmas greetings from the Honorary UARP member Cardinal Lubomyr Guzar to website users
Christmas greetings from the Honorary UARP member Cardinal Lubomyr Guzar to website users Our age unites me and you. All we have been through that period called the golden days of our life. Many people consider autumn to be a grievous time of the year, as the hot summer dies away and the frosty winter is approaching. In fact there is some truth, but I must admit that this season is full of colors like spring. I recall this all to take your heart and rejoice all what gracious God bestows us. Forward>>
Spiritual source
Candlelight in memory of genocide victims won’t be out in our hearts
Candlelight in memory of genocide victims won’t be out in our hearts Ukrainian Association of Retired Persons joins the mourning of millions of Ukrainian citizens and citizens of other countries with pain and sorrow in our hearts on the mournful Remembrance Day of genocide and political repression victims in Ukraine. We are called to protect and take care of the elderly and everyone before God and in the face of Ukrainian people. Forward>>
Spiritual source
Intercession: Cossack holiday, feast for everyone
Intercession: Cossack holiday, feast for everyone Ukrainian Association of Retired Persons congratulates the members of its organization, as well as all retired people on the great day of the Intercession of the Mother of God. Let Blessed Virgin Mary protect Ukrainian nation! Forward>>
Spiritual source
Our congratulations to grey-haired veterans on Day of the Elderly!
Our congratulations to grey-haired veterans on Day of the Elderly! The 1st of October is known to be the Day of Elderly in Ukraine, which proves our deep respect to all seniors, humane and civilized treatment to the elderly by Ukrainian society. Forward>>