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Ukraine: App helps boycott Russian goods
Ukraine: App helps  boycott Russian goods A smartphone app to help identify - and boycott - goods made in Russia is becoming popular among Android users in Ukraine, it appears. The app, called Boycott the Occupiers, says it can find out where a product is made - whether in Ukraine, Russia or elsewhere - by scanning the product barcode with the phone's camera. It has already been installed between 10,000-50,000 times. "The app will advise... Forward>>
Grief Sighing or Breathing Relief?
Grief Sighing or Breathing Relief? Do you sigh throughout the day? Perhaps you don’t recognize that you’re sighing. It’s a deep breath in as your entire upper body rises, and then you release with an long audible exhale and your body sinks as do your hopes. I was with my youngest daughter and we noticed we both were sighing! She is in that transition from college stage and I was in a bit of overwhelm packing to move to a new apartment... Forward>>
Twenty Ways to Be an Amazing Grandfather. HOW TO WOW THE GRANDKIDS
Twenty Ways to Be an Amazing Grandfather. HOW TO WOW THE GRANDKIDS 1. Convert yourself into an antigravity machine. Hold your grandchild securely by the waist so she can bounce like an astronaut. Support her as she walks up the walls and across the ceiling. 2. Become the “Granddaddy Mummy” during your next beach trip. Lie flat on your back with your arms folded across your chest. Close your eyes, keep perfectly still, and let your grandkids pile sand over your body... Forward>>
When He Retires First
When He Retires First Most husbands are a few years older than their wives, which, of course, brings them to the time of their retirement before their wives are ready to stop their own professional lives. Besides, the family may well have counted on her income for a while longer. This means that she will be going off to work, morning after morning, for several years after her husband has begun to enjoy his stay-at-home... Forward>>
A Legacy for Your Grandchildren. THINGS THAT MATTER
A Legacy for Your Grandchildren. THINGS THAT MATTER What we leave behind in words and deeds will reside for a time in the memories of those who live on. If we've achieved maturity, the relationships we established will act as seeds for improving interactions among the living. When, by living example, we sanction our heirs to learn the greatest lessons of their lives, we give them something that money cannot buy. We give them vitality... Forward>>
Why and How to Make Friends of All Ages
Why and How to Make Friends of All Ages Marlo Thomas on the benefits of timeless friendships. When I was a little girl, the average age of my friends was about 45. That's because I liked to hang out with, in addition to my schoolmates, the comedian pals of my father, Danny Thomas, and listen to them tell jokes. Then there were all those bustling producers and manic directors I'd meet at the movie studio when my father took me to work with him... Forward>>
Men Who Don't Cheat
Men Who Don't Cheat A wry look into the mind of the male monogamist. Judging from the news, women might be forgiven for wondering if every married man is cheating on his wifethese days. Or at least every politician, movie star, CEO or athlete of any stature whatsoever. Whether it's Anthony Weiner, Eliot Spitzer, Ashton Kutcher, Tiger Woods, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mr. Sandra Bullock or that peripatetic... Forward>>
Supporting One Another
Supporting One Another I don't know about you, but I need all the support I can get -- especially when I'm taking a risk. Over the years, my girlfriends and I have endlessly encouraged each other. But as I was gearing up to launch my first book a few years ago, I needed the support to be both more specific and more structured. So even though I'm not much of a joiner, when my headshot photographer Suzanne Sheridan suggested... Forward>>
Dispelling Sleep Myths
Dispelling Sleep Myths Waking up with bags beneath your eyes is the least of your worries if you're not getting the deep sleep every human being requires. And while every person is different, most people function well on about eight hours of sleep. "The average, when you look across the board, is 7-1/2 to eight hours of sleep is best. Not everyone requires that, some people require more," said Dr. Richard Bregman, medical... Forward>>
When Grandma Becomes Mom
When Grandma Becomes Mom While friends are planning for retirement, Stella Kessler is managing appointments for her special-needs grandson. She is raising the 16-year-old by herself, balancing doctors' visits with her own business meetings. "You do what you have to do," says Kessler, 64, a senior sales director with Mary Kay. "The energy is not like I had before, but I'm not a slacker either. I can get things done."... Forward>>
Five Ways to Be Stylish Every Day
Five Ways to Be Stylish Every Day Style is all about achieving coherence between each item of clothing and accessory in terms of its style or look. The style of a garment or accessory is determined by a number of factors, including color and texture ... However, shape, size, cut, finish, level of detail, weight, and even the kind of buttons or stitching that are used will also contribute to its style. For example, garments... Forward>>
Dating in the Digital Age
Dating in the Digital Age New rules for romance. Even if you're new to dating after a long-term relationship, you probably know that the world of dating has changed with technology. While websites such as AARP Dating are digital, navigating them requires minimal technical skills. You won't need your kids to help you post your online profile, write emails or text, and you've been using the phone since you could talk... Forward>>
Collecting Things Is a Fascinating Hobby
Collecting Things Is a Fascinating Hobby Nearly half of the adult population has an enjoyable hobby, statistics show. The other half prefers to spend their time on important routine activities instead of spending it on pleasant but not so important things. Meanwhile a hobby is one of those simple ways to increase self-esteem and self-confidence, to reveal your talents, to develop creative thinking and your abilities. Besides, a hobby is good... Forward>>
Wisdom from 98-year-old John Lewis: Be nice, have a pina colada
Wisdom from 98-year-old John Lewis: Be nice, have a pina colada The clock hit 11 a.m., and John Lewis bolted to his feet. Unhooking the oxygen tubes connected to his machine as he walked, he hustled out the door of his apartment in a south Fort Myers retirement community. It was Wednesday. There was bridge to play. “C’mon,” he called to this reporter, 65 years his junior, lagging in his living room. Lewis will be 99 years old in May... Forward>>
Elena Kurylova: Fate is an offered from above opportunity
Elena Kurylova: Fate is an offered from above opportunity Fate is not fatality, but only an offered from above opportunity! - said Elena Kurylova, the winner of the sixth and eighth seasons of the Ukrainian "Battle of psychics", partiipant of the first season of TV show "The investigation led by psychics" on Channel "STB", during the online conference at the press-centre of "HolosUA". According to psychic's statements fate is a fixed bar-code... Forward>>
Confirmed: bones belong to Richard III
Confirmed: bones belong to Richard III SCIENTISTS have confirmed that 500-year-old remains found under a car park in the city of Leicester are those of England's King Richard III. University of Leicester researchers say tests on a battle-scarred skeleton unearthed last year prove "beyond reasonable doubt" that it is the king, who died at the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485, and whose remains have been missing for centuries... Forward>>
Age no bar to fitness
Age no bar to fitness Actress and exercise diva Jane Fonda is in top shape at 75. Her new book explains how. Jane Fonda has been in the public eye for more than 50 years, as an Oscar-winning actress, an activist against the Vietnam war and an exercise guru with more than 20 workout videos to her name. Her first video in 1982 helped start the aerobics craze. Her newest book, Prime Time, a mix of advice on health... Forward>>